So Truth Social has been out for about a year now. I have been following it closely for the past year because I’ve wanted to create an account. It is still currently not open to everyone around the world. It’s only available to people inside of the USA. If you are outside the USA you will see the following text:
Registrations Closed
Truth Social will be accepting new web application users soon!
Guess what? there is a way around it that I’ve recently discovered at least for Canadians. I will explain soon.
But first is why should you get a Truth Social account? Because Trump, The Military, Q & millions of freedom fighters are there.
I believe Truth Social is being used as a military tool in order to expose the Deep State and traitors of the USA constitution and bypass Deep State controlled social media such as Twitter & Facebook.
Twitter & Facebook will be collapsing in the near future and the sheep will all flock to Truth Social. When the time is right all the incriminating evidence such as politicians and high profile people & Hollywood around the world have been participating in Satanic worship and practices such as sacrificing and trafficking children around the world. All of this stuff will be dropping on Truth Social.
The military is not able to drop this type of information on regular platforms as it’s controlled by the Deep State. The infrastructure of the world is also controlled by the Deep State. This is why Trush Social will be using StarLink to be used to bypass the planets ground internet cabling infrastructure
How To Get a Truth Social Account Outside The USA(Canadians)
Canadian Phone Number
Turn on your VPN and change your country to USA then go to If you are already on it. Just refresh your page.
With your VPN set to USA you should now be able to register an account. You will see the following text & button:
Let’s get started!
Social Media Without Discrimination
Create Account
You can now create an account. It will ask you to enter a username & email. Enter it. Then it will ask you to verify your email. Verify it by waiting for an email to arrive and clicking on the link.
After you verify your email. It will ask you to enter a phone number. Enter your Canadian number and you will receive a confirmation number to your mobile.
Enter that confirmation number on the Truth Social page and set up your profile.
Congrats! You now how a Truth Social account.

Follow me:
I was worried. That you would need use the VPN each time you logged in. But you don’t!
Just turn off your VPN and you can still use it and log into with with a VPN.
I discovered this by mistake.
When signing up I saw it was asking for phone numbers with area codes +1 & +44. I am going to assume any phone numbers with a different area code is not possible. But you can try.
Get yours before someone registers with your username.
bye! Have a good weekend.