How do you argue with this?
Answer: You can’t! Well maybe you can..
I spend a lot of time online discussing all types of subjects with people from all around the world on websites or apps that have group microphone voice rooms. But most of my time is spent listening rather then talking to conversations between others.
Some of the most interesting conversations are those on the subject of religion. There seems to be much more arguments when people talk about religion then most other subjects except maybe politics.

Most discussions that turn sour are usually between people who believe in God and people who don’t. But arguments between people of different religions are as many especially between Christians and Muslims.
There is nothing wrong with arguments. It’s important.
While listening to these conversations. I’ve heard many people say that they pray to God but I’ve never really thought much of it.
But one particular person really made me pay more attention. He said that he talks to God and he hears God in his head as a physical voice.
I asked other religious people If they also hear God in their heads and turns out they do too! They told me the same thing. That they do hear a voice in their head and they talk with God and pray to him.
How did I miss that part for many years? They actually talk with God?
So it seems lots of people do.
I asked them how is it possible to talk with God if someone wants to. Their response was you need to be a “believer”
It made no sense to me. But it made me think of the matrix. The scene where he says “There is no spoon”
So if someone believes in God then they should be able to talk with God?
Technically YES.
I was confused for several weeks until I had someone explain it better.
The truth in their eyes is If you want to talk with God this is what you need to do.
- Start reading the Bible.
- After you’ve finished reading it. Decide if you believe if it’s true or not.
- If you believe in it then start following the values and start praying/worshiping.
- Eventually God will talk to you if God deems you are a true believer.
The key words above are “God will talk to you”
You can pray all you want for as many times as you want but if God doesn’t want to talk with you then there’s really nothing you can do. That itself might just be a test to see if you are a true believer.
So how do you prove that these people are lying? or that they are just hearing their own voice inside their heads mistaking it for their God.
Well you can’t really… There is absolutely no way of proving this. You don’t need to believe them but you just need to investigate and understand then respect their beliefs and move on with your life.

The question is why would God want to talk to “believers” but not “non-believers”
Well.. If I was God and I created this world in order to test humans and pick out the best humans to join my Kingdom because from my understanding of the Bible. This world we live in is just a test for us humans to Enter God’s Kingdom.
So if this world is just a test. Then I as God would leave them my word “The Bible” and it would be up to them to investigate and believe in me. It would be a test of faith. They’d have their whole life to try to find out the truth.
Different people would become a believer at different times. Some might not ever believe.
Eventually I would contact my true believers through their minds to strengthen the bond.
This would make them look crazy.(Another test to see if they are strong enough to stick with God)
We’re not even going to get into the fact that Satan tries to leads you away from God(Another of God’s test)
In the past I would of thought these people were kind of looney. But fast forward today. All the “conspiracy people” are turning out to be not so crazy and were in fact some of the most intelligent people who were aware of the evil people in this world conspiring against humanity to enslave us with their NWO agenda and also the fact that I realized that everything we’ve been taught is a lie AND that the shape of the Earth is probably not round as well.
Those people who are talking with God might be telling the truth.
A another HUGE reason is that the big bang theory and evolution is ridiculous!

Things just don’t create themselves out of thin air.
Even the money that is “created out of thin air” is created by the bankers! HAHA
I’m not sure what the truth is but It’s pretty obvious in my eyes that someone created humanity.
Unfortunately I have not heard any voice in my head. Except that one time that I got high and heard someone call my name and it freaked me out.
Maybe I’m just not ready..

I really loved the movie Prometheus because it asks us why did humans create Artificial Intelligence? Well… simply because we could. What if our creator created humans simply because …. It could or even worse.. created us as a slave race.
I’ve asked this to religious people but they don’t seem to like that question.
I recommend watching the movie Prometheus. Then watching several Prometheus Theories.
In conclusion. We don’t have to agree with someone but we should respect everyone’s beliefs and challenge them.