These past several years CEO’s have been stepping down and corporations are laying off thousands, going bankrupt and closing. What is really going on? No mainstream media or normie will tell you the truth but i will.
How is is possible that all these corporations are suddenly going under after they were valued at billions.
The truth is these companies were never profitable. They were subsidized by the globalist bankers. The globalist bankers gave them lots of money and supported them since their inception in order to push propaganda and agendas onto the people.
These companies used to receive millions. Can you imagine being a CEO of a corporation and you don’t have to worry about being profitable? You can accomplish almost anything you want without worrying about money?
That was the scam the bankers had going on with all corporations on this earth. This also allowed corporations to hire the most talented people so small companies who were not on the globalist banker payrolls could not find any talented workers and therefore would never succeed and challenge the globalist system.
The globalist corporations used this type of scam all around the world and pushed their woke ideology in order to brainwash people.
This is finally coming to an end.
What happened? How is such a system so powerful coming to an end.
The truth is the globalist bankers are currently in a war against the USA military special forces.
The USA military special forces is in the process of fighting against & removing the globalist banking system off this earth.
The USA has a history of kicking out the central bankers 2 times in their history. This will be the 3rd.
The issue was that the first 2 times they kicked out the globalist bankers. The bankers came back. The globalist bankers are like parasites and will just come back unless you destroying the parasite off the earth.
The USA was not a global power the first two times so it was only possible to remove them from the USA and not the earth.
But it’s 2024 and the USA military is a global military empire who has the best technology and has military bases all around the world. The are unstoppable.
The globalist bankers were using the USA military as their private military but the military turned on the bankers when the time was right and the right time when was the military was a global power.
This plan has been in the planning behind the scenes since the JFK era. It became public when Donald Trump came into light.
JFK warned us about the globalist plan.
This is the reason the politicians, CEO’s and all the globalist puppets around the world hate Donald Trump. It’s because the globalists know that Trump and the military are currently in the process of exposing and destroying the globalist bankers. The globalist have ordered their puppets to try to get the people around the world to hate Donald Trump.
If Donald Trump & military wins the globalist bankers lose.
The issue is the globalists can’t come out and say Donald Trump is working with the military to bring down the globalist bankers because people around the world already deeply inside hate the globalist and banking system so they would side with the military and Trump and cheer on.
The military has been progressing and is winning against the bankers. The military these past several years have taken control of the global banking system in key countries and key banks around the world.
This is allowing the military to cut funding off the globalist corporations.
Can you imagine being a CEO and suddenly told that you will no longer receive money and that you will have to pay your employees with profits from the corporations. Then as a CEO you investigate some more and realize your company was never profitable to begin with. It only seemed like it was profitable because you were receiving millions of free money. YIKES.
Most CEO’s are not skilled in running a profitable company because the CEO’s were just puppets of the globalists and their job was concentrating & applying the demands of the globalist bankers.
So as a CEO you need to layoff thousands and reorganize your company.
There is also more behind the scenes that people don’t understand. It’s that the CEO’s are puppets of the globalists. Therefor they are complicit in the crimes against humanity. Many have been already arrested and the mainstream media who is covering for them is simply saying they stepped down. The mainstream media is also crumbling because the military has cut off the globalist funding for them as well.
The puppets are all panicking.
All the globalist funded corporations are about to go bankrupt unless they start becoming profitable but since 99.9% of corporations were simply here on earth to push propaganda. They will become obsolete.
We are living through one of the greatest time in the history of mankind. We are also living through the greatest wealth transfer in the history of mankind.
So what is going to happen when all these corporations fall?
It will be up to us the people to replace these corporations and start our own business.
But how can we start a business when real estate is so high and most people have no money?
Real estate is about to collapse too. Real estate has been inflated by the globalist bankers in order to keep us in poverty.
The whole system we know today is coming into an end. We will be entering into a free-market capitalist system backed by Bitcoin.
Do not get so attached to your material things such as your overpriced house because as we get closer to the collapse that home will become worthless. Mortgages will soon becomes a thing of the past since they were also a banker scam too.
The new system we will be entering will be much better and it’s designed to keep people around the world out of poverty. It will be 1000 times better then the globalist system we have today.
Stay strong as the collapse nears.
This is the truth of why all these corporations are falling.
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anyways, bye!