I love Bitcoin so much that I wanted a coffee mug with the Bitcoin Freedom logo that I created. The same logo I got printed on my hoodie & flag.
A friend suggested Vista Print because it was cheap. I was skeptical at the beginning because I searched online and Vista Print was a corporation.
You can read about this corporation below:
I did some more researched and Vista Print is owned by another corporation called Cimpress. Which goes around buying out similar companies like Vista Print which customizes products. You can read about them below:
I do not like Corporations because #1 they have ruined local communities and stolen millions of jobs in every country they invade. They also bribe politicians to push laws to benefit them and push copyright laws which slows down innovation.
I ended up putting an order with them anyways. They website was really good. I had no issues. It allowed me to submit my order and I paid for it.
I wanted 1 mug but the shipping was really expensive. It was cheaper to order 10 mugs and get free shipping. So i did. I ordered 10 mugs.
From the date i ordered. The estimated arrival was take 17 days for my products to arrive.
Then within 2 days i received an email which stated my order was cancelled. There was no explanation of why it was cancelled other than the words “We have made the decision not to print these materials”
Since I am familiar with the globalist system. The first thing that came into my head was that they are anti-Bitcoin because Bitcoin will make many of the globalist corporations obsolete because Bitcoin will replace the globalist banking system which will than force these globalist corporations to compete at the same level as small business and since most corporations are not profitable because they are subsidized by the banks in order to destroy small business whose goal is to eventually create one big corporation.
If the globalists accomplish creating one big corporation in the world and you speak out against them. They will be no companies for you to go work at. There will be only 1 company so you will either starve or keep quiet in order to keep your job.
So this is why many corporations are anti-Bitcoin. They have been ordered by the banks to not get involved with Bitcoin. Currently it’s mostly the banks who push the hardest against Bitcoin. Corporations don’t really need to push that hard because you need to go through the banking system first.
My next step was to investigate why they cancelled my order. So i setup a live chat session through their website.
Here is the conversation I had
In short. They refused to print my order because of the Bitcoin logo. Not the freedom part but the orange logo with the “₿“
It seems that the “₿” logo falls under the “Creative Common License”
Here is an interesting link discussing the “Creative Common License” a bit.
I looked into it briefly and it seems anything that falls under the “Creative Common License” is free to use and print but they need permission from the owner.
The creator of Bitcoin “Satoshi Nakamoto” disappeared. From what I remember he disappeared after someone he was talking with stated that he was going to have a talk with the CIA about Bitcoin.
I believe that the CIA would of murdered a.k.a. “suicided” Satoshi Nakamoto since the CIA answers to the global bankers. Since Bitcoin will de-throne the legacy banking system. I would of disappeared too if it was I who created such software to liberate humanity.
From what I remember the orange logo was not the original logo. It was golden and not orange. Someone re-did the logo.
You can read more about the history here:
The issue here is “Satoshi Nakamoto” is not around so we can’t get permission from him.
Even if he was here. I wouldn’t ask for permission. I do not believe in copyright laws. I believe copyright laws are pushed by the corporations and slow down innovation.
Satoshi Nakamoto was also a Libertarian and I believe he felt the same about copyright laws as many Libertarians do.
The free market states that it’s up to the seller themselves to give credit to the creator and up to the buyer to decide if they want to purchase from a seller that gives or does not give credit to the creator.
The creator does not have any rights through the law to go after the seller or buyer if he does or does not give credit.
It’s easy to spot these globalist corporations as they like to place their pyramid logo everywhere.
There isn’t really anything Vista Print can do. They have to follow the law since they are a corporation. Corporations have to follow the laws they created. Sure they weren’t able to make money off me but they have the ability to borrow massive amounts of money and are always bailed out if they fail. Something small business does not have access too.
In the end they win. Small business loses.
This is why huge corporations such as McDonald’s have the money to renovate every year while small business do not.
In the end i ended up going through a local business near my city. The prices are definitely more expensive than Vista Print but they did not care or even mention anything about copyright laws.
I would write their name to give them exposure but it’s probably best not to in case the copyright police go after their business.
A few mugs, no one would care but if i ordered thousands of mugs or millions I bet it would raise an eyebrow and some corporation might try to go after them and me. But it’s easier to go after the business.
Here is how my mugs turned out. I received them within a week. Much faster then Vista Print.
I am happy with the outcome. I use one everyday and i gave some to my friends.
If you want to purchase one let me know.
I only accept Bitcoin as payment. Preferably Bitcoin through the lightning network. I can ship to Canada, USA & and maybe other countries.
I thought about printing my own mugs. But the printer and paper was expensive. It didn’t seem worthwhile as I only wanted a few mugs.
I thought about selling not only mugs but other products but shipping prices & manufacturing prices in Canada are extremely expensive and it’s almost impossible to compete against China.
Many of the 1st world countries are in the similar state. We can’t compete against 3rd world slave wages which makes us very unproductive.
The question is. Would you rather be a slave in one country? or an unproductive person in another country?
The answer is. I would rather be in a productive country being my own boss making good income for myself and my employees.
If you don’t like my mug. There is many other Bitcoin mugs and Bitcoin products on AliExpress.
Don’t forget to check out all their Bitcoin Products on.
anyways, bye!