I have been doing some research on transgenderism. I find it pretty interesting. I wasn’t aware it existed until I started seeing many posts from Conservatives exposing transgenderism in schools.
Since than I started doing a bit of research. I had no idea that they already had pills that could literally turn you physically looking like a woman.
The Magic pill.
Sounds cool right? A magic pill that could turn you into a woman? I’ve love boobs so if i could have my own boobs that would be super cool.
The pills are called HRT. Hormone Replacement Therapy. From what I understand is you get a prescription to see how many pills much you need A DAY.
From listening to transgender YouTube channels. It seems most transgender women are taking usually about 3 pills a day for the rest of their lives if they want to continue to think & look like a woman. What’s kinda funny is that if they stop taking them they starting getting the masculine features back.
Some videos are funny because they mention that their boyfriends start complaining if they stop taking them because they notice the masculine features coming back such as the “man” smell.
The HRT pills are pretty interesting. Since men naturally produce testosterone and no estrogen. The pills block the production of testosterone inside your body and release estrogen.
Estrogen is the chemical that women produce naturally. Women don’t produce testosterone.
So when a man starts producing estrogen. He starts developing feminine features. They grow breasts, get softer skin, wider hips, smaller hands, smaller feet and lose muscle mass. The HRT pills also changes and re-wires your brain chemistry. It starts to make you think and feel and act like a woman.
Another thing it does is it shrinks your penis the longer your take the pills and the pills stop you from having erections and it pretty much removes the male sex drive and gives you the female sex drive.
The pills seem to do a fairly good job on turning you into a female but still not 100%
The only thing the pills doesn’t do is change your voice. That’s why many transgender women still sound like a man and it also doesn’t convert your penis into a vagina. Although it shrinks it. Almost like it was trying to shrink it into a vagina/clitoris.
So the pills are not quite at 100%
Honestly i’m not that impressed with the pills. It does make changes but i can still see that they were men. The pills does not change the body frame of a man. Wide shoulders bigger then hips.
The majority of time transgender women use lots of makeup and filter thus giving out a false reality that the pills did all that.
I haven’t see too many transgender women in real life but i did see some in Thailand and they still have a manly frame.
We could probably fix that with my re-generation theory. Please keep reading on.
What is find fascinating is that during birth both male and female fetus share the same sex organs.
Check out the 2 videos below:
Development of male external genitalia
Development of female external genitalia
Which in my opinion means that there is a huge possibly of reverse engineering the penis into a vagina and a vagina into a penis. We just need a regenerating technology.
Let me explain more. The pills currently just shrink your penis almost as if it’s trying to change itself into a vagina and and for women(testosterone pills) her clitoris starts enlarging itself and sticking out almost as if it’s trying to turn itself into a penis.
If we want to turn the penis into a vagina and vise versa than what we need is re-generating technology. By this i mean. If you lose a leg. We could use a medical bed to regenerate your leg.
We could use this technology re-generate arms, legs, ears, pretty much anything expect the brain.
So with this technology. We could re-generate the human genitals. BUT
If you are a transgender women and if we were to re-generate your genitals. It would re-generate a penis. Unless we trick the mind. We could pump a higher dose of estrogen during the re-generation process which would then in turn trick the brain and body into thinking it is a real women. Which would then in turn re-generate a real vagina. Which would then allow the transgender women to produce natural estrogen. Since we share the same sex organs. This is possible in theory. We just need the re-generating technology.
not not magic. TECHNOLOGY. I love technology so much. The possibilities are endless.
Could you imagine making this possible? It’s not possible YET but i believe it will be.
I think if i told my theory to religious people they would argue that it will never be possible because God would not allow it.
I would argue that God gave us free choice to achieve what we want and there is a verse in the bible which states. You may be able to do it but it doesn’t make it right.
So we have the ability to accomplish this but it may not be right. But that’s between the creator of the technology and God because it’s not our job to judge others. It’s God’s job to judge us.
If you believe in the bible. If you don’t then it doesn’t matter.
I think the verse is:
1 Corinthians 6:12
“I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but I will not be mastered by anything.
Now let’s talk about the delusion of these transgender women that i have encountered from listening to their videos.
This transgender women’s channel has really good information concerning all the problems she is facing.
#1 Transgender women seem to think that a man would automatically like them if they transitioned into a transgender women.
Why do they believe that a man would automatically like them? I think it’s because they do not understand man & life.
Man love women because they are beautiful but that’s not the only reason. Man love women because men love sex but that’s not the only reason.
The biggest reason is because it’s in man’s nature to re-produce. Without the ability to re-produce and have his own biological family a man may lose his purpose in life.
Life is about re-producing your own biological children and taking care of your woman.
Transgender women can be as beautiful as women. Transgender women can give us sex as much as women but transgender women cannot reproduce, not in the past, not in the present but maybe in the future.
Therefore a transgender women has not reached the level of a women. A man will not want a transgender women as a long term partner. Men can put up with a lot of nonsense from a women but if they can’t have children. Most will not stay long term.
A lot of transgender women are delusional about this. They are not capable of understanding why a man only wants them for sex and doesn’t want them as a long-term partner.
I’ve seen countless videos of transgender women being angry at men or crying that it’s not fair that man don’t want them.
It hits them hard in the face when they realize they are destined to be alone forever due to the fact that men don’t want transgender women.
How could they not know this beforehand? It’s obvious to me. Were they living under a rock?
#2 Men only want transgender women for sex.
This is another delusion that transgender women don’t understand. Of course men only want you for sex. You can’t re-produce so why would a man want a transgender for a long term relationship. 99.99% of men in this world want children. Transgender women can’t provide that.
Here is a excellent video on the experience and issues when trying to date as a trans women
Another delusion that they don’t understand is that women also face this issue. There is countess of men who just want women for sex and then move on to the next woman.
They wanted to be a women and they finding out what’s its like to be a women. Being a women is not so easy.
Why is it that they don’t understand this? They were a man once. Is it possible that they had no male friends or any male father figures? or maybe they had low testosterone which takes away the mindset of wanting to sleep with as many women as possible.
I heard in another video that these transgender women were upset that whenever men did message them they didn’t read their profile or ended up being married men.
This is normal problem that women often face. Many men out there are scummy especially on dating apps.
Men in general just want sex even if they are married.
#3 Getting surgery would give me a natural real vagina.
I’ve seen countless videos of transgender women claiming that surgery ruined their lives because it left them with major health problems.
The video below is an excellent example video concerning the truth about surgery.
Cutting off your penis is MAJOR surgery. I researched the surgery since there is lots of information and videos of the surgery online. You can also search up porn videos with transgender women with the words “post-op” to research how a surgery vagina looks and acts during intercourse.
There is countless of information online. Did they not do their homework before such a MAJOR surgery?
From the videos i researched online. The surgery is no where near close to working like a real vagina. Even looking like a real vagina the majority of them do not look like a real one. Some of the transgender vaginas looks like a butcher grabbed a knife and just started butchering the genitals.
It is truly sad.
You’d think with the countless of information out there because of the internet they would of done their homework.
Maybe they did do their homework but not able to do proper research like the Reddit post below.
One thing that really got my attention is that from some of the video i watched. Is that after taking the estrogen pills some transgender women stated that they started to hate their genitals and suddenly wanted to cut it off. Something that they didn’t feel before taking the pills.
I think it’s possible that the pills truly make you feel & think like a women. So naturally you do not want to see a penis down there. It’s also possible that the pills cloud your judgement on the reality of cutting off your penis.
#4 I lost my sex drive(My male sex drive)
I hear from lots of transgender women that after taking estrogen pills they lose their sex drive and they don’t feel horny as often.
I’m going to take a wild guess and say that this is normal. The male and female sex drive is so different. I find men want sex everyday and get horny everyday and are easily turned on by physical looks.
Women on the other hand. They need more of a emotional connection which then leads them up to getting horny and are not so turned on easily by physical looks. They also can go longer without sex as long as they have an emotional connection.
I believe that a lot of transgender women do not understand this difference between the male and female sex drive.
They expected to look like a female and keep the male drive. But since the pills do a good job of turning you into a women. You lose your male sex drive and you start developing a female sex drive.
In short. You no longer want to have sex everyday and instead you will have the longing of having a man who will help you do the dishes because that builds and emotional connection and will eventually make you horny.
It seems to be that the male sex drive is exciting and orgasms are awesome
and that the female sex drive is boring but orgasms are 100 times better than males.
Transgender women wanted to be women and the pills are making them close to feeling like a women but they failed to do some research into the sex drive.
From my research it seems that a lot of transgender women want to look & feel & think like a women but keep the male sex drive and penis working at 100%
If the pills were to achieve this. We would end up with a lot of horny transgender women being sluts and having one night stands every night. I believe this is what transgender women thought it would be like because that’s what the male sex drive does to a lot of men.
They want to sleep around every night with different women with no strings attached.
#5 My penis stopped working.
A lot of transgender women complain that their penis stops working. They stop getting morning erections and they have a hard time getting erections and have a hard time masturbating because they don’t have interest in porn anymore.
The HRT pills do exactly what they are supposed to do over time. Turn your penis into a vagina.
Because you no longer have testosterone to keep your penis hard. It goes limp and starts to shrink. Trying to turn itself into a vagina and clitoris.
I found out that transgender porn stars usually take Viagra or stop their pills a week before so they can preform(get an erection)
Porn has put a false view of transgender women. It has made them appear as that they can easily get an erection. Which is a false reality. Porn in general is a false reality.
Is there a way in the future to tweak the pills so it doesn’t attack your penis and keep it working at 100%?
I believe so but i am not a researcher.
Don’t get me wrong but there is actually many transgender women out there who are happy that their penis doesn’t work and don’t want their penis to work. I believe this type of transgender women have actual gender diaspora and the transgender women who want to keep their penis working are autogynephilia.
Autogynephilia (derived from Greek for “love of oneself as a woman”) is a term coined by Blanchard for “a male’s propensity to be sexually aroused by the thought of himself as a female”, intending for the term to refer to “the full gamut of erotically arousing cross-gender behaviors and fantasies”.
#5 They believe the “influencer” transgender women
Just like many people look up to billionaires as role models. Transgender women look up to other transgender women who have a high followers count who call themselves “influencers” I call them “propagandists”
I’ve ran into countless transgender that are finally waking up to the fact that these “influencers” are not telling the truth and are pretending that their lives are perfect and that their genital surgery went perfect and that their vagina is 100% as real and good as a women’s and that they have no health problems.
But as time goes on they are waking up to the fact that these propagandists are also facing health issues and that they were lied to.
The sad reality is that they woke up after the damage is done. It’s not easy to listen to all the health problems that they are facing.
Some of the issues they are facing is that their fake vagina will close up permanent unless they dilate. Which means sticking a dildo to keep it stretched everyday.
Hair growing inside their fake vagina because it was construct with the skin of their outside bodies.
Pain/bleeding during toilet sessions.
Not being able to pee without pain.
There is many countless issues. It’s extremely sad.
I believe these propagandists are on the payroll of the deep state. Their role is to mislead people as the deep state is really behind this transgenderism.
What’s the final goal behind it?
Can technology change men into loving transgender women into long term relationships and marriage?
Yes but i believe it’s possible as humans are easy to program but it would be like tricking them/brainwashing them.
As I said above. If we are able to develop re-generation technology. Then transgender women be able to have children and have a real vagina. The only 2 differences is they would always have that XY chromosome and have some male features like bone structure like big bones unless we could re-generate those bones but as for the XY chromosome… who knows.
If we accomplished the above. Then I think many men would overlook the fact that they are transgender women. But it will not be a majority of men. Unless of course over generations it becomes normal and history is forgotten. Which happens since humans are easily deceived.
Is it possible that Satan is planning the above? because according to religious people Satan is behind this transgenderism agenda.
I feel sorry for many of the transgender women out there who are being deceived. There is many legit transgender women who have real gender diaspora and the pills allow them to live a semi-normal life but I question the pharma companies if they are actually creating the pills to help trans people or they are purposely creating the pills to do harm.
The biggest harm seems to come from the surgery and not so much the pills. Who knows.
I have no issues with transgender people. They do not bother or scare me. I support them but it’s important to help them understand the consequences.
Transgender people are waking up to the fact that Democrats & Corporations don’t have our best interests especially theirs.
This transgender women in the video below is slowly waking up. She goes on about how YouTube banned her for being “transphobic”
She questions how can such a big company like YouTube ban her and not support her. She questions how can a company as big as Bumble not care about transgender people.
It’s hard to find people who are awake to the corruption of the globalists. It’s even harder to find a transgender person who is awake.
But there is more and more people waking up to the fact.
Why is it transgender people are mostly leftists?
One thing I’ve noticed is that a lot of transgender people support the democrat party and have leftist values.
Leftist values do not care about transgender people and have been using transgender people as a scapegoat to further their communist goals.
I believe it the government schools that is indoctrinating these people. They are purposely confusing children and people to believe that changing genders is easy as changing socks.
So you end up with transgender people who have been indoctrinated, transgender people who have actual gender diaspora and transgender people who are just pretending to be transgender.
Another huge melting pot that ends up not helping transgender people with actual gender diaspora.
Why is it western transgender people are much more disillusioned then foreign transgender people?
From my research I tend to find that western transgender people are far more disillusioned than foreign transgender people. Thailand transgender women are much more honest and live in reality that they are not real women, will never be a real women, that men don’t want to date them and they have no interest in lying to men about their gender.
The leftist have truly done a good job of making extremists in the west.
By the way if you like transgender women here is a really hot one.
It seems that she had butt injections during her adulthood and is now having health issues because of them. She also had breast implants which had to be removed due to health issues.
It’s sad.
Here is another transgender women.
Transgender women in Thailand are definitely much more human and not delusional.
I get good vibes from Thailand transgender women unlike the leftists transgender women in the west.
And here is another down to earth Filipina transgender women.
The technology for transgenderism has improved a lot but there is still lots of work to be done.
If they perfect it. I would take it in a second. I want to be a hot bimbo blonde with big boobs with a functional dick so I can trap a women with my babies.
I love technology so i do support the research on it. I believe our bodies belong to us and it’s out choice to do whatever we want with them.
We just have to do a lot of research as many corporations out there do not have our best interests.
Does the woman in the video deserve what is happening to her?
Actions have consequences but No. Nobody deserves to be hurt. I am glad she is speaking out. All good people deserve love and happiness.
Technology will help us achieve this.
My message to transgender women is don’t lose hope and join us into exposing the corruption in this world.
My opinions above are all for/about adults.
My opinions about children is that the Indoctrination of children into transgenderism is happening through government schools.
Incredible how much power the government groomers/teachers have over their parents.
These incidents and other types of incidents will continue to happen and have happened in the past because governments run the schools.
You should never support government controlling and running education.
By allowing the government the power to control schools. You are giving them power over your children.
The people should be running & owning the schools. This would provide a variety of education and the government would not have access to be involved in dictating what your children learn all throughout the country.
The separation of government & education is the solution.
Home school your children for now.
Parents should be able to sue the doctors/teachers if there is proof that the teachers/went behind the parents in allowing the transition.
If the parents allowed it then another solution is that children should be able to sue their parents.
Good luck suing the government run schools. It won’t happen. Government controls the courts and schools. They won’t allow anyone to sue them.
This is why separation of government & education is needed.
If you are transgender, a woman, or a man. Don’t forget to check out some cheap cool products on AliExpress.