Declaring English as an official language in the USA might sound like a good idea, but you need to look deeper into the actual directives. Knowing how the government operates, they will likely use it as a way to control you or your business.
In Canada, we have two official languages, and if you start a business, the government forces you to include both languages on certain products, including:
Food products
Drugs and cosmetics
Consumer packaging & labeling
This applies even if you operate in a province where all your customers speak English. If you don’t comply, the government can take you to court or even shut down your business. You might be able to stay under the radar if you keep your business small, but once you attract attention, they will force you to comply with bilingual labeling laws.
To me, that’s government overreach. The government shouldn’t be involved in your business or dictating what language you must use.
Official languages should be for government matters only—not for private businesses.

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