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Freeloaders tried to take advantage of Zap Stream

Freeloaders tried to take advantage of Zap Stream

Look what happened to Zap Steam. Freeloaders took advantage of the free sats and now new users don’t get free sats. This is why I said going forward on the Bitcoin standard nothing should be free. There is too many freeloaders on the internet.

What were they doing? Were they making new accounts everytime their balance went to 0 so they could steam forever?

When I joined I got 1000 free sats and I have been streaming with those free sats. When my balance hits 0 I will reload my account because I support Zap Steam and want the website to keep improving.

If you work hard to build something don’t give it out for free. Push back on the freeloaders. We will win.

Look what happened to Zap Stream. Freeloaders took advantage of the free sats, and now new users don’t get them anymore. This is exactly why I said that, going forward on the Bitcoin standard, nothing should be free. There are too many freeloaders on the internet.

What were they doing? Were they creating new accounts every time their balance hit 0 just to stream forever?

When I joined, I received 1000 free sats and have been streaming with those ever since. Once my balance hits 0, I’ll reload my account because I support Zap Stream and want to see the platform improve.

Push back against the freeloaders. We will win.

Freeloaders tried to take advantage of Zap Stream

Note ID:


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