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Corporations made copyright the norm but it’s slowing down innovation.

Corporations have brainwashed many of us into accepting copyrighting everything as the norm. However, copyrighting often slows down innovation and was originally designed by corporations to maintain control over inventions and ideas. I used to believe in this system too, but I’ve since freed myself from that mindset. You can too.

If someone truly supports your work, they will do so out of their own free will, not because of a piece of paper forcing them to comply. Genuine support comes from appreciation and value, not obligation.

The Free Market Perspective

Unrestricted Competition: In a truly free market without copyright enforcement, anyone could replicate and distribute content without barriers. This could lead to increased innovation, competition, and potentially lower prices, as creators would compete on quality, reputation, and unique offerings.

Acceleration of Ideas: Without copyright restrictions, ideas and cultural products could spread and evolve more quickly, potentially leading to rapid innovation.

say no to copyright

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