Based on my research, this is what our Earth is most likely like: there is a thick, protective dome above us. The stars and planets are not real, and it’s impossible to travel to them because they are simply 3D models placed within the dome. We cannot leave the dome or break it because whoever created our world has confined us inside and doesn’t want us to escape.
The stars we see are actually lights embedded within the dome. The creator of this system, resembling a terrarium, turns the lights on at night, possibly on an automated schedule. I suspect the dome itself could be a highly advanced, unbreakable LCD screen.
During the day, the dome appears blue, while at night, it turns black and displays stars. As for the planets, it’s unclear whether they are 3D models inside the dome or just 3D images like the ones we see on an LCD screen.
There is an ice wall surrounding the entire dome, and both the sun and moon are contained within it. These celestial bodies are made of plasma, and contrary to what we’ve been told, we can’t land on the moon—the moon landing was faked.
Why was the globe Earth theory created? Likely to prevent us from discovering that we are trapped in this dome-like system. The concept of a round Earth and the idea of space are fabrications and lies designed to keep us in the dark.
This is the reality we’re likely facing.
What is outside the dome? We don’t know as nobody have ever been outside the dome but there is theories that there there is many more domes containing other humans and species.
Who knows but don’t give up searching for the truth.

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