How does the world transition from a fake, fiat-based, non-productive, and never-profitable system into a Bitcoin standard that is more productive and profitable?
We are literally witnessing this transition in real-time. But the big question is: will it be a smooth ride? So far, it’s been relatively smooth, but that doesn’t mean we’re out of the woods yet.
Will there be a point of inflection, where the change accelerates dramatically? Or will the shift remain gradual, with no abrupt jumps?
I’ve heard Bitcoiners discuss “HyperBitcoinization,” and I’ve read about it, and to be honest, it sounds a bit intimidating.
As much as I want Bitcoin to take over the world and replace the current system, I hope the transition doesn’t happen too quickly, but at the same time, I hope it doesn’t drag on too slowly either. A balanced pace is key.

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