You should be mindful of the time you spend on social media, especially X.
I joined X in January 2024, and it’s hard to believe that a year has already passed. The more I use it, the more I realize how much of a waste of time it is. The platform feels overrun by bots, and the comment sections are often unreadable due to fake accounts spamming everything. Even when I mute certain profiles—like the endless troll accounts or parody accounts—new ones keep popping up. It’s like trying to clean up a mess that never stops growing.
Spending more time on social media, and especially X, could be detrimental if you’re not careful. The good thing is, I can critically analyze the content and spot the overwhelming amount of propaganda. Trust me, there’s plenty of it. I can spot it? but can you?
I don’t remember Facebook ever being this bad. Yes, Facebook had its issues, but a big reason for its relatively controlled environment in the past was the friend request feature. That simple step of sending and accepting friend requests acted as an effective barrier to bots and spam. It ensured that people had to engage with others to get their content seen. In contrast, X is far more chaotic and less organic. Facebook, in its early years, was an unbeatable platform for connecting people in a meaningful way. Unfortunately, its steep decline, largely due to censorship issues, left it with a more controlled environment that still doesn’t suffer the same level of spam X does today. Now, Facebook has become fairly boring, as many have stopped posting out of fear of cancel culture.
I can’t help but wonder whether decentralized platforms like Nostr will eventually fall into the same traps. A major challenge with decentralized platforms is the lack of privacy. Not everyone wants their profile to be open to the public.
Who really wants to post pictures and videos of their wife, children, or extended family members for the world to see? Sure, some people do, but I’d say most don’t. Would you recommend it?
It’s one thing to share with a small circle of friends or family, but sharing intimate moments with the entire world opens the door to unwanted scrutiny—and worse, privacy breaches. Many people want to protect their loved ones from that kind of exposure.
I don’t have much interest in becoming an “influencer” a.k.a propagandist or making a “living” off social media. I’m more interested in gaining knowledge, particularly on political matters and staying up to date with the latest features and products from companies. Social media is extremely useful for that.
So it makes you wonder: how do you attract friends and family to a platform that doesn’t offer the same controlled experience as more traditional social media sites?
If your goal is to be a public figure or gain a large following, then social media is the perfect tool to contact the public and make your name known.
Looking ahead, you should be determined to make 2025 a year of greater productivity. If you’ve spent too much time scrolling through endless noise and are ready to shift your focus to things that actually add value to your life, it’s time to step away from the digital chaos. Make space for real-world growth and achievement.
Maybe you can focus more on tools like ChatGPT and AI. I’ve been using AI for almost a year and I’m extremely impressed. It helps me correct these posts, and I enjoy reading them afterwards. My posts now feel more professional, and it helps me understand my thoughts more clearly—i’m sur others will too.
It’s almost as if I’ve become a professional writer, even though I never had any interest in writing before. AI changed that in a sense.
I wonder what else I could do with AI?
The point is: be wise and stay alert when using social media. X is nothing but a massive propaganda machine used to brainwash the American public. Why the American people? Because the U.S. is the most powerful country in the world, and there have been—and will continue to be—countless efforts to bring it to its knees and replace it with another power.
That’s the issue when you’re the most powerful and intelligent nation on earth: someone will always try to bring you down, either out of jealousy or because they want to be as great as you or other unknown reasons.

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