This is the second time I’ve seen something like this outside, but this time it was a moose instead of a beaver. What does this
Tag: canada51
We the people..Stand with Trump!
frens, I went for a walk this morning in the snow and i saw a Canadian beaver wearing a tuque and it was holding a
I was going to apply and in the “citizenship” box i was going to write “future American! haha Unfortunately they seem to of blocked non-USA
Catoshi the future American cat, is planning on moving to Texas when Canada becomes the 51st state. I think Texas is too hot.
I like the Australian way. Australia’s stance on illegal immigration is very firm, unauthorized arrivals generally face detention until their status is resolved. The USA
If you want to accelerate Canada becoming the 51st state you should retire your Canadian flag. Catoshi says: “Meow’s the time for freedom!”
Canadians don’t believe anything Trump says because they are complacent. Complacent is defined and describes people who fail to take warnings seriously because they are
Around 1776, both Canada and the U.S. were part of the British Empire, and everyone living in the colonies were considered a British subject. A
Time to throw in the towel Canadians for the second time in history. First time was in 1776 when a group of freedom fighters defeated