I support Trump not because of his policies, but because he is challenging the central banks, which will empower libertarian principles to flourish—especially the concept of free-market capitalism supported by Bitcoin.
I’ve often thought that the majority of his supporters are not very informed. They’re so easily swayed that it took a military operation like “Q” to rally them behind Trump, and it worked. Once Trump and the military have enough influence, they could dismantle the central banks and start implementing libertarian policies.
Here’s an example of how uninformed some are: many people want the government to dictate which individuals can participate in private sports leagues.
The government has no business telling sports league owners who should or shouldn’t play in their leagues. That decision should rest with the owners, who typically decide based on profitability—usually, this means catering to the fans’ preferences.
If the fans don’t want biological men competing in women’s sports, then owners will listen, because alienating fans would hurt their revenue. But if an owner doesn’t care about the fans, the solution is simple: fans should stop attending games or watching broadcasts.
Yet, in some polls, we see many people pleading for the government to intervene and control private owners.
Personally, I don’t watch sports because I believe they are scripted and manipulated. I’ve known for years that many athletes are artificially enhanced or even not the gender they claim to be.
Don’t let your kids become mindless consumers of sports entertainment. Teach them to think critically by avoiding the spectacle, refraining from buying merchandise, and not supporting sports leagues. Encourage them not to demand government bans on things they disagree with.
Asking the government to ban things isn’t aligned with the values of freedom and a free market. Just remember: Just because someone supports Trump. It doesn’t necessarily mean they understand true freedom.

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