I’ve already packed my bags. I’m sold on this idea. We as Canadians lost our own battle against our own government. We as Canadians failed to wake up fast enough as a collective group to push back against our socialist government and liberate ourselves.
I’ve always said that Canada would be liberated by an outside country putting pressure against the Canadian government rather then Canadians liberating themselves.
Canada will be liberated by the Americans specifically Trump & the USA military.
My destination will be Utah or Nevada like in the picture below. By the way. Almost all of Canada is rather cold and isolated and there is not one place that looks as beautiful as the picture below with the palm trees. Canada wouldn’t be so bad if the government didn’t steal 60% of our money through theft(taxation)
If our government wasn’t infiltrated and controlled by the globalists. We could of beat the Americans as their is trillions of natural resources up here.
Since the USA has defeated the monarchy for the 2nd time in history. The British monarchy instead of working politically and peaceful they decided to keep fighting the Americana since 1776 when American defeated the monarchy for the first time. How many Americans lost their lives fighting an evil British Empire. They deserve this land called Canada.
Canada will be better off as an American controlled state.
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